KIRKLAND GALLERY is located at 40 Kirkland Street, Cambridge, MA 02138. Please note that the entrance is on Sumner Road and you will need a Harvard Graduate School of Design ID to enter the building. If you would like to visit the gallery and are not a GSD student, please contact us at

2022.04 Enclave

2022.04 Enclave

What is it to live in an enclave?

For Tianyu, enclave is psychological. Having moved to a foreign country during Covid lockdowns, his work captures an outsider’s encounter with an empty city.

For Hanneke, enclave is literal. She films large-scale private developments, looking for the subjectivity produced in a privately-owned urban condition.

The two works deal with themes of isolation, emptiness, and traces, bearing witness to those banal moments which unveil something strange at work. Through film and photography, their work captures particular environments in the city and searches for meaning in their everyday experience.



Tianyu Su is a Doctor of Design candidate at Harvard GSD with a concentration in urban and design technology. In the meantime, he is a photographer specifically interested in public life and how the built environment shapes it. He captures places and public life with a broad spectrum of media, ranging from medium format film cameras to 3D scanning and large-scale data mining. For more information about Tianyu, check out his website, Instagram, or LinkedIn.


Hanneke van Deursen is an architectural designer and researcher currently pursuing her Masters in Design Studies in the domain of Narratives at Harvard GSD. As a first generation American, she grew up split between small-town Minnesota and the Netherlands. Her interest in the bizarre environments produced by Neoliberalism started with an unwitting journey to Canary Wharf during her 2018 London semester at Syracuse University. Haunted by that Sunday morning, she sustained and fed this obsession with the spaces of “the market” ever since.

2022.05 Interrogative Design: Cultural Prosthetics

2022.05 Interrogative Design: Cultural Prosthetics

2022.04 Dia-Logue/Dia-Eikon

2022.04 Dia-Logue/Dia-Eikon